ABLS Reopening Announcement
因應美國政府於 2023年5月11日,正式結束全美 COVID-19 公共衞生緊急狀態,華嚴蓮社也將於 5月16日(週二)起,依下列原則進一步開放大殿,方便大眾禮佛共修:
一、每週日 (9:00 – 15:30) ,普羅大眾均可進入大殿,參與共修,無需事先預約。現場將以梅花座間隔安排,位置先到先得。
二、週二至週六 (9:30 – 16:00) ,蓮社每日開放時間內,大眾均可進入大殿,禮佛祭祀。
四、進入大殿,請大眾配合:1. 全程佩戴口罩,2. 手部消毒,3. 額溫測量,4. 禁止飲食、聊天,5. 遵循糾察引導入座,6. 保持社交距離,維護自他健康。
五、 國際華嚴研究中心 (ICAS) 開設之佛法課程及系列講座,如:《華嚴經》講座、《維摩詰經》導讀等,仍維持 Zoom 線上授課。五觀堂、圖書館等殿堂,暫時不對外開放。
*** 週日共修會午齋用餐公告 ***
為方便信眾全程參與週日共修,華嚴蓮社將於 8月13日(週日)起,依下列原則開放週日用餐:
如有相關供養三寶、護持道場、燃燈供佛、消災祈福或超度亡靈等佛事需求,請於日常辦公時段 (週二至週日 9:30 – 16:00) 來寺登記,或電洽蓮社事務處辦理 (408-942-0874);或者,請以郵寄信件、電子郵件 info@huayenusa.org 、官網聯繫 https://www.huayenusa.org/contact-us ,乃至投遞報名等方式,我們都將誠摯地為您服務。
後疫情期間,道場開放原則將依實際情況進行調整,最新活動信息敬請關注蓮社官方網站 https://www.huayenusa.org 。
祝福您~ 閤家平安健康!
The U.S. federal government has announced that the COVID-19 public health emergency is ending on May 11, 2023. Accordingly, ABLS will further open the Buddha Hall starting from May 16, 2023 (Tuesday), following these policies below:
1. On Sunday (9:00 – 15:30), all are welcome to participate inside without making an appointment. Seating is arranged with social distancing, and based on a first-come first-served basis. Lunch is not offered at present.
2. From Tuesday to Saturday (9:30 – 16:00), the inside of Buddha Hall is open to the public.
3. From Monday to Saturday, all are welcome to join the Morning and Evening Liturgy. Please make an appointment with the office in advance.
4. To protect oneself and others, please follow these practices when entering the Buddha Hall: (i) face covering at all times, (ii) hand sanitizing, (iii) temperature check, (iv) no eating and idle chat, (v) follow the guide to be seated, (vi) keep social distancing.
5. Lectures such as Expounding the Avatamsaka Sutra, Introduction to the Vimalakīrti Sutra are held on ZOOM as before. The Dining Hall and Library are not open to the public yet.
*** Lunch Service on Sundays ***
ABLS will offer lunch on Sundays starting from August 13th, 2023 (Sunday) following these policies below:
1. Lunch on Sundays is offered to those who will stay and participate in the afternoon service.
2. Please bring your own lunch box and utensils. When getting food in the dining hall, wear a face mask and remain in silence.
3. Please have lunch in the courtyard or in your own car.
If you need to make offerings to the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, support the temple, make light offerings, or set up blessing plates for the living or the deceased, you can register in person, or call the office (408-942-0874) during our regular hours (9:30 – 16:00 Tuesday to Sunday). You can also send your request by mail, email info@huayenusa.org , contact us through our official website https://www.huayenusa.org/contact-us , or drop-off after hours. We will be glad to be of further assistance.
These practices will be adapted according to changing circumstances, please follow the latest news on our official website: https://www.huayenusa.org
We are grateful for your continuous support! We pray for health and safety for your whole family, as well as peace in the world, prosperity for our country, and well-being of all sentient beings.