ABLS 2020 盂蘭盆孝親報恩祈福梁皇法會:最新施行公告(Dharma Service for Ullambana:Latest Announcement )       


為因應 COVID-19 嚴峻之疫情發展,避免宗教群聚感染之情事發生,本社原訂「2020 盂蘭盆孝親報恩祈福梁皇法會」,將調整成為一個月精進修持的方案,自國曆 8/9 起至 9/13 日止(9/13 圓滿日:總迴向&化牌位),以資替代施行!詳情請洽 “華嚴蓮社事務處” 辦理。

最新防疫措施,請參見 “ABLS:Updates on COVID-19 Prevention”:



“Ullambana Celebration and Liang Huang Jeweled Repentance Dharma Service”

In response to the severe situation of COVID-19 pandemic, and to prevent the transmission of the virus among religious communities, the preplanned “2020 Ullambana Celebration and Liang Huang Jeweled Repentance Dharma Service” will be changed to a One-Month Intensive Practice, starting from 8/9 to 9/13 (on the last day of 9/13: Dedication of Merits & Burning Name Plates). Please contact our office for more detailed information.

Please read “ABLS:Updates on COVID-19 Prevention” for the latest preventive actions.
