ABLS Announcement on COVID-19 Prevention


ABLS Announcement on COVID-19 Prevention

為因應流行性感冒及新冠肺炎 COVID-19 之防禦工作,自即日起,舉凡有發燒、感冒、咳嗽、打噴嚏、流鼻涕、喉嚨痛等呼吸道症狀之香客,暫緩進入蓮社大殿、研究中心、五觀堂,以及事務處辦公空間,以避免病菌之傳播與交叉感染的狀況。

In response to the current flu season and the Coronavirus Disease 2019(COVID-19)outbreak, ABLS recommend visitors with Respiratory Disease Symptoms such as Fever, Cold, Cough, Sneeze, Runny Nose, Sore Throat, and so on, AVOID Entering the Buddha Hall, ICAS, Dining Hall, and Office Areas, to help stop the spread of germs and cross infection.


ABLS Morning and Evening Recitation, as well as Dharma Assembly on each Sunday are held as usual, to pray for the well-being of the public. Please WEAR A FACE MSAK before coming to the temple; if you have ANY Respiratory Disease Symptoms, please carry on the Dharma practices at home simultaneously.


ABLS office is open as usual from Tuesday to Sunday(9:30-16:00). If you won’t be able to come in person to sign up services such as light offerings, blessing plates for the living or the deceased, etc. You can register online or mail the application forms to our office. For more details, please contact the office at(408)942-0874. 


We pray for peace in the world, prosperity for our country, an early end to this epidemic, and well-being of all sentient beings. 


美國華嚴佛教會 敬啟

Avatamsaka Buddhist Lotus Society